How To Save The Planet In The Garden
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Sometimes, the thought of trying to save the planet and making an actual difference to our environment can seem like such a big task that it's out of our reach. But it's not and it's important to remember that, all cliches aside, every little really does help.
To encourage you to keep going with those small, environmentally-friendly lifestyle swaps you might think are a waste of time, we've got some facts and tips from Friends of the Earth. Their campaigns director Liz Hutchins reminds us:
"The time for change is now – if we don't act to save the planet, the damage may become irreversible. It can be easy to think that individual action is insignificant, but we can all make a big difference to the planet, and also send a powerful signal to politicians and companies that we want them to take action too. From helping to tackle dangerously polluted air by supporting diesel vehicle-free Clean Air Zones in cities, to cutting down on our plastic use to save our oceans, there are a number of simple steps we can all take towards a healthier planet."
Stats and Facts
- There are 40,000 premature deaths in the UK each year linked to air pollution
- 12 million tonnes of plastic ends up in the world's oceans each year.
- 97% of flower-rich meadows have been lost since the 1930s, meaning that bees, other pollinating insects as well as a variety of other species have lost their homes and source of food

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10 simple lifestyle switches that can help save the planet
1. Grab a reusable coffee cup for your morning caffeine kick
Or have a little me-time and sit down with a drink-in coffee before heading to work. Many cafes are now offering discounts for customers with re-usable coffee cups, so you'll soon find yourself saving money as well as the planet.
2. At lunchtime, ditch the plastic heavy supermarket meal deal and bring in your own tasty food
Or get away from your desk for lunch with some colleagues and enjoy eating off a proper plate with real cutlery!
3. Use low emission options for your regular car journeys
Try setting up a car pool for things like the school run, and use a bicycle for shorter journeys. Having less cars on the road will lead to cleaner air (especially outside the school gates) and will make our towns much nicer places to be.
4. Eat less meat
Livestock production causes nearly 15% of all climate changing gases, and it uses loads of precious fresh water. If you cut down on the meat you could save tonnes of CO2, spend less money on the weekly food shop, and have a healthier diet... what are you waiting for?

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5. Choose bee-friendly plants for your garden
Start by planting something simple to suit your space, time and interests. Pots on a patio, herbs in a planter or even a hanging basket can get you going and help bees – if you grow the right plants. Trees, shrubs and larger plants will provide height in your borders. A cherry or birch tree can form a backdrop to "layers" of plants of different height and size closer to the front of the border. Low-growing heathers and crocuses in the front will provide colour and help feed bees in the barren months. Why not try...
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• Joining Friends of the Earth's Great British Bee Count from 17 May to 30 June 2018
Their free app will get you off to a flying start in identifying and recording different species. By taking part, you'll learn more about bees and easy ways to help them. You'll also be helping experts build their understanding of how wild bumblebees and solitary bees are coping with threats including habitat loss, pesticides and climate change.
• Donating to the campaign, to receive a free Bee Saver Kit.
6. Learn simple fixes for your clothes
Simple maintenance and repairs of our clothes will make them last infinitely longer, saving you money on buying replacements and ensuring that the material doesn't go to waste.
7. Put your food waste to work
If you're lucky enough to have a garden, a compost bin will mean your food waste can be reused to power the growth of your plants. If you don't have a garden, many local authorities will run separate food waste collections to create compost for local parks and gardens, and the act of separating your food waste into a recycling caddy has been proven to make people more aware of what they're wasting so they can save money by avoiding buying it next time.

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8. Switch to an eco-friendly energy provider
There's a wide choice of green energy providers, such as Good Energy and Ecotricity, who will ensure your home is supplied with renewable energy and could even save you money on your annual bills.
9. Headed out to the pub after work?
If yours is a G&T or a cocktail, say no to that plastic straw in your drink.
10. Be retro and switch to a bar of soap in the bathroom
The selection is vast but make sure you get one you like, because they will last for ages! That change alone will likely save a large box worth of plastic packaging (not all of which can be recycled) each time you buy soap.
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How To Save The Planet In The Garden
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