
How To Add A Custom Sitting Animation To An Avatar


Unity Knowledge Required

This certificate is written with the assumption that y'all know a fleck about Unity Animators.

In the Avatars 3.0 Avatar Descriptor, there are five buttons labeled:

  • Base
  • Additive
  • Gesture
  • Action
  • FX

These are Playable Layers. Each of them takes a Unity Animator, and they layer on top of each other. In other words, you've got 5 root animators to play with, and each of them can accept a huge amount of Animator Layers (I'yard not actually sure of the max layers, only any that is, that's the max).

These layers use in order-- in other words, base gets applied, then condiment, then gesture, activity, FX. As an case, if something in Condiment animates a bone (with 1.0 weight), and so something in Activeness animates that same bone (with 1.0 weight), the Activity animation will take precedence.

Nosotros accept example Playable Layers available in the SDK. Depending on how you learn and iterate on things, it might exist easier for y'all to use and edit these default layers to effigy things out!

When you are running VRChat and you lot're wearing (or viewing) an Avatar 3.0 avatar, all of these Playable Layers are put together into a combined Animator. This Animator is the root, main animator of your avatar, and you can control any part of it. This means that at that place is no reason to add any additional animators on your avatar.

Every bit an aside, y'all should never utilise the aforementioned controller in multiple Playable Layers. This may work for some setups, but it is very poor practice and volition cause major issues as you lot aggrandize the functionality of your avatar.


But Use Animation Controllers

We only support the employ of Animation Controllers in Playable Layer slots. Do not use any other type of controller-- you volition meet errors or will be unable to upload the content.

What exercise these Playable Layers do? Here's the brusk version:

Base of operations: Stuff that should e'er play, react to movement (similar locomotion), or the locomotion country of your avatar (running, falling, crouching, etc). Transform animations just.
Condiment: Stuff that Base of operations is already using, just yous want to "add" to it-- like a breathing blitheness. Transform animations merely.
Gesture: Things that get triggered by manus OR by the Expression menu. You can also use this for "idle animations" like a wagging tail, flapping wings, or moving ears. Transform animations only.
Action: Full override, similar to AV2 emotes. Transform animations merely.
FX: Aforementioned equally Gestures, but for everything that isn't a Transform position, rotation, or scale blitheness.

That's dandy, simply let's get into some more than item.

The Base layer contains locomotion animations, including blend trees for walking, running, strafing. Information technology also includes animation states for jumping, falling, falling fast, crouching, and itch, among other things.

Proceed in mind that if you put something in here, you'll have to redefine your locomotion animation states. This is pretty complex! Take a look at the example Base of operations Playable Layer to see how complex it can get.

Animations in Base should only affect transforms, and all layers should exist using Avatar Masks to ensure you're but affecting the appropriate transforms.

The Condiment layer is meant for additive transform motion on top of humanoid basic that are animated in Base-- things similar breathing animations that tin "add together on" to the Base layer.

If you want to add an idle animation to non-humanoid bones-- like a tail, ears, or etc-- use Gesture instead! Additive is specifically for humanoid bones.

The Condiment layer is special because it is always set up to "Additive" blending. In short, if yous've got a transform that moves during locomotion, the Additive blitheness volition "add" its blitheness on acme. This can act really weirdly if you do crazy things to basic in Condiment, so endeavour to go along it pretty minimal.


Additive Beginning Layer Avatar Mask Ignored

The first layer (base layer, 0th layer, etc)'s Avatar Mask is ignored. This is for internal masking purposes. Yous can all the same mask other layers, merely any mask you lot apply to the outset layer will be ignored.

Animations in Additive should simply touch transforms.

The Gesture layer is for animations that need to deed on individual body parts while still playing the underlying animations for the rest of the body. Kind of similar AV2 Gestures, merely applied to whatever part of the body.

Utilise Avatar Masking to ensure that the animations only affect the parts of the avatar yous want to animate! So, if you want your gesture parameters to but make hand shapes for left/right hand, you'll desire to mask out those hands on each of the layers.

In improver, if you want to have an "idle" animation for not-humanoid bones like a tail, wings, ears, etc-- Gesture is where you should put it.

Animations in Gesture should only affect transforms.

The Action layer is for bone animations that volition override all other layers, when yous demand to take over total command of the grapheme. Basically, think AV2 "Emotes".

This layer is blended to zilch by default. Before you do anything in the activeness layer, you need to use the Playable Layer Command State Beliefs to blend this layer up before transitioning to the actual activity you lot're performing! Brand sure you blend it back to nix when you're washed.

Animations in Action should just bear on transforms.

FX is a special layer. On every other layer, you should non exist using material animations, shader property animations, or blendshape animations, because they aren't copied to your mirror clone. Only transforms are.

However, in the FX layer, everything is copied over! In other words, everything that isn't a humanoid transform/musculus animation should go into the FX layer. This includes (but is not limited to) things like enabling/disabling GameObjects, components, material swaps, shader animations, particle organisation animating, etc.


FX Commencement Layer Avatar Mask Ignored

The first layer (base layer, 0th layer, etc)'due south Avatar Mask is ignored. This is for internal masking purposes. You can nonetheless mask other layers, but any mask you apply to the start layer will be ignored.

Animations in FX can breathing Transforms (position, rotation, etc) but you demand to be enlightened that you may be overwriting animations from "lower" layers.

At that place are some additional poses available for Avatars three.0 avatars. The buttons for these are under the Playable Layers.

You tin can at present provide your own T-Pose!

The T-Pose is used to determine various measurements of your avatar, especially for placement of your viewpoint (or view-ball). Viewpoint is dependent entirely on where your view-ball is when your avatar is in this T-Pose animation you provide.

Standard T-Pose - [Mixamo](

Standard T-Pose - Mixamo

Secondly, information technology is important for the wrist alignment/twist. The manner your wrists are lined up in relation to the palm-down position will bear upon how your controller twisting in infinite will turn your wrist and arm.

Finally, your t-pose determines your wingspan-- your full length of your arms when in T-Pose. This as well determines your avatar's interpupillary distance (IPD), or the distance between your avatars eyes. Having arms that are too long will make your IPD wider, making everything seem smaller. Having arms that are too curt will make your IPD narrower, making everything seem larger.

In improver, (meaning) joint bends in T-Pose aren't a proficient thing. Equally an example, if your elbows are bent in T-pose, this may affect many different things nigh your avatar that work off your proportions.

IK Pose is used to decide major joint bends. In the IK pose, your joints should be bent slightly in the direction they're intended to curve.

As an example, VRChat will look at the elbow curve from your IK Pose and determine if there is a bending curve in whatsoever given direction. That bend determines how your elbow bends.

The controller used in this slot is used for both blitheness and posing. When you sit down, the viewpoint of your avatar is used for calibration. The animation is played, allowing you to create a "sitting downwards" animation, every bit well equally a "sitting" idle blitheness.

If you want to make your own, fair warning: this can take some significant tweaking to get right! You may desire to utilize transition states for sitting downward/standing upwardly that will help a bit with how your avatar looks while sitting.


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