
What Two Animals Make A Pink Unicorn In Zoo Craft

These ambrosial newspaper zoo brute crafts are a fun way to recycle newspapers! We will evidence y'all how to make a lion, frog, giraffe and hippo with just a piffling scrap of paint and glue. This is a great craft for kids of all ages!

RELATED: 100+ Arts and crafts Ideas for Kids

Zoo Animal Crafts for Kids

Newspaper Zoo Animal Crafts

You'll only need a few supplies to make these fun zoo animals – paper, paint, glue and our printable templates. We'll evidence you how to plow your quondam newspapers into 4 unlike animals, but you tin as well get creative and come up up with your own animals too!

We besides made a monkey version which is in our volume –Fun and Easy Crafting with Recycled Materials.

Nosotros loved the monkey so much nosotros had to create other zoo animal friends to go with him! You can get the template for the monkey in our volume and the templates for the hippo, giraffe, lion and frog are function of our book pre-guild printable bonus packet. If you order our new volume, you lot'll get these gratuitous templates forth with other templates that pair with the book! Only send u.s.a. an email at bookbonus {at} with a screenshot of your pre-lodge!

Newspaper Monkey Zoo Animal

And don't forget to bank check out our NEW volume which has this monkey craft in information technology!Fun and Easy Crafting with Recycled Materials is bursting with easy paper crafts for kids similar this one. Merely not only that, information technology is all recycled crafts for kids as well – newspaper rolls, egg cartons, paper-thin, popsicle sticks, jars and more than!

SEE our NEW book hither.

Fun and Easy Crafting Book

Watch the video tutorial hither!

Hither Are The Supplies You lot Will Need To Make These Zoo Animals


  • Paper
  • Acrylic Paint – black, light green, night green, white
  • Black Marker
  • Glue
  • Scissors


  • Paper
  • Acrylic Pigment – orangish, xanthous, blackness, white
  • Black Marking
  • Glue
  • Scissors


  • Newspaper
  • Acrylic Pigment – light purple, nighttime purple, black, white
  • Black Mark

  • White Paper
  • Glue
  • Scissors


  • Newspaper
  • Acrylic Paint – orange, yellow, black, white
  • Black Marker
  • Glue
  • Pair of scissors

These are easy to put together with our free printable templates also. You lot can go the templates as part of our pre-order printable bonus packet for our new book! Just send united states of america an e-mail with a screenshot of your order of our book to bookbonus {at}

Run into what's inside the pre-society printable parcel hither.

Directions To Brand Newspaper Zoo Animals


Newspaper Frog Craft

1. Paint a large slice of newspaper calorie-free green, and two small pieces black and dark green. Fix bated to dry.

2. Trace around the template elements on the colored newspaper.

Trace around the frog head on the light green paper. Trace around the cheeks and eyes on the smaller pieces. Cut out the templates.

3. Gum the eyes and cheeks to the face.

4. Dip the end of a pencil into white paint and add a white marking to each eye.

Frog Newspaper Craft for Kids

5. Draw the mouth on with a black mark.


Giraffe Craft

1. Paint a large piece of newspaper orange. Paint another piece yellow and a smaller piece black. Set aside to dry.

2. Trace around the template elements on the colored newspaper.

Trace around orangish for the head, outside ears and peak of the giraffe. Trace around yellow for the inside ears and mouth. Trace around black for the eyes. Cut out the templates.

3. Gum the eyes, oral fissure, ears and top of the giraffe to the face.

Giraffe Zoo Animal Craft

4. Dip the terminate of a pencil into white paint and add a white mark to each middle.

5. Using a black mark, depict the mouth and nostrils on the yellow part of the giraffe's face up.


Hippo Craft

1. Paint a big slice of newspaper light purple and another large piece nighttime purple. Paint a modest piece black. Ready aside to dry.

two. Trace effectually the template elements on the colored newspaper.

Trace around light purple for the head and outside ears. Trace around dark regal for the within ears and mouth. Trace around black for the eyes and nostrils. Trace around the white paper for the teeth. Cut out the templates.

3. Glue the dark majestic oral fissure onto the light purple caput. Glue the eyes, ears and nostrils on.

Hippo Newspaper Craft

iv. Dip the cease of a pencil into white paint and add a white marker to each middle.

5. Draw the mouth with a blackness marker and and then mucilage the teeth on.


Lion Craft for Kids

1. Paint a large piece of newspaper orange and another large piece xanthous. Paint a small piece black.

2. Trace around the template elements on the colored newspaper.

Trace around yellow for the caput and exterior ears. Trace orange for the inside ears and nose.

Depict your own lion mane that would fit around the caput and cut this out from the orangish newspaper.

Trace around blackness for the eyes. Cut out all of the templates.

Lion Zoo Animal Craft

3. Glue the orange and yellow parts of the ears together and attach to the large yellow head piece. Glue the face up on top of the big orange mane.

4.  Glue the eyes and nose to the face.

v. Dip the end of a pencil into white paint and add a white mark to each eye.

6. Using a black marker, add whiskers, dots and the mouth.

Zoo Animal Lion Craft

We love how beautiful these wild fauna are! These are perfect for an animal theme craft or just to make for fun. And the best role is you don't need a lot of supplies to make them!

This is one of the threescore crafts in our book – Fun and Piece of cake Crafting with Recycled Materials – see more of the projects in our book here.

See more paper and scrap paper crafts from our volume here:

Newspaper Chapter - Craft Book


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